Corrosion protection products

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Rust remover "Rust remover Zinc" (600ml bottle)

Brief characteristics

Brand: GRASS

Volume: 600ml

Product code: A212-6607

Warehouse: OEEY

% of completion:

9-11 days

Brand: GRASS

Warehouse: LQHK

% of completion:

9-11 days

Brand: GRASS

Warehouse: GSXK

% of completion:

9-11 days

Brand: GRASS

Warehouse: AMOR

% of completion:

10-12 days

Brand: GRASS

Duration of protection Cleaning ability RUST REMOVER ZINC anti-corrosion coating protects against corrosion and prevents the spread of rust. An effective cleaning agent based on a mixture of organic and inorganic acids, designed to clean all acid-resistant materials, metal (steel) surfaces with the purpose of removing (transforming) corrosion damage (rust) and protecting treated surfaces from subsequent atmospheric and climatic influences. Designed to remove rust on the surface for cleaning and preparation for painting. Thanks to special components, the composition penetrates deeply through corrosion to the metal, displacing moisture and oxygen, stopping and preventing corrosion development. During the use of the composition, the metal is not affected but is covered with a protective film that is resistant to environmental factors and ensures high adhesion with any paint coatings and primers. Composition: ≥30% purified water; <5%: mixture of inorganic and organic acids; <5%: zinc inhibiting compounds. Method of application: Pre-clean the surface from loose rust, old paint, degrease greasy parts. Shake well before use. Apply the product to the damaged area using a sprayer. Use a brush or sponge to increase the penetrating effect. Allow to dry completely. Rinse the surface with running water and wipe dry. The treatment may include two or more cycles of applying the product to the treated surface. Avoid contact with other parts.