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Acid cleaner for facade cleaning "Acid Cleaner" (5.9 kg canister)

Brief characteristics

Brand: GRASS

Volume: 5.9 kg

Product code: A211-6615

Warehouse: OEEY

% of completion:

9-11 days

Brand: GRASS

Warehouse: LQHK

% of completion:

9-11 days

Brand: GRASS

Warehouse: GSXK

% of completion:

9-11 days

Brand: GRASS

Warehouse: HBJO

% of completion:

10-12 days

Brand: GRASS

Cleaning ability The product is designed for washing facades of buildings decorated with plastic, tiles, metal siding, and glass from lime scale, rust, and other mineral-based contaminants. It has proven itself particularly effective in car washes. Composition: ≥30% purified water; ≥5%, but <15% mixture of inorganic acids; <5%: nonionic surfactants, dye. Method of application: 1. Apply to the dirty surface using a sprayer or sponge, leave for 2-3 minutes, if necessary, scrub with a brush and rinse with water. 2. With regular use of the product or in case of light contamination, the concentrate can be diluted with water at a ratio of 150-200 g/l.